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Pitcher and Piano, Bishopsgate

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user reviews of the Pitcher and Piano, Bishopsgate

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

why is it mandatory for all females in this establishment to have blonde hair?
mother123 - 26 Jan 2011 19:09
Bog standard P&P, good for some city eye candy, but little else.
mrse1 - 29 Jul 2009 11:25
If you google "shellakasimmo", all you find is unbelievable glowing reviews of pitcher and piano 'pubs'. It makes me think that she works for their marketing dept and this was her job for a day.
LukeD - 14 Jul 2009 15:28
Went there for a night out last Friday and had a surprisingly good time!
Last time I went there it was a bit of a meat market however that seems to have moved on to Revs down the road.

Good music, fast service and well priced for that part of London. I would go back again.
shellakasimmo - 14 Jul 2009 15:00
I swore once never to visit this place again but unfortunately had to go to a colleagues leaving drinks there... The place hadn't changed in the five years or so since my last visit. Still very very sh*t. Oh there I go swearing again....
drunkmarv - 19 Sep 2008 15:00
A complete hellhole but have to agree with Jack Carter that it keeps twentysomething arseh0les out of pubs that I like (especially Dirty Dick's and Williams)

Having been dragged here by younger colleagues a couple of times I can report that the clientele is mainly represented by the following:

Men: - back office nobheads with hugh tie-knots, square-toed shoes and zits on the back of their neck quaffing Stella as if there is no tomorrow despite the fact that two pints appears to make them lose what little intellectual faculties they may have had upon entrance.

Women: short-skirted, bottle blonde slappers wearing large hooped earrings and displaying a complete inability to comunicate below the level of hogh pitched shrieks.

Topped off by deafening music this pit realliy is a refuge for peeople from points east seeking solace in strong lager, Bacardi Breezers and, by the end of the evening, each other - by which point it really does resemble sonething out of Dante's Inferno

Anyone with more than two brain cells who enjoys a decent pint and likes to hear what their companions are saying really should stay away

murgatroyd - 27 Jan 2007 11:06
This place is dubbed: "The Gateway to Essex"; Why ? 678 girls everyday in very short skirts get off the train at Liverpool St hoping to meet city traders with loads of cash (the pub is opp Liverpool St). What they meet is guys in cheap NEXT suits with Jamie Oliver haircuts claiming they earn �900,000+ a year.... if you're a chic from Essex the only thing you'll get out of this place is the phone numbers from 400 reptiles who want to get down your pants and who knows you might just take one or more of them home !

Same old P&P in design but particularly distasteful due to the meat market interactions.
whiteboytrash - 16 Aug 2006 01:18
Ah, the P & P! Frequented by simple folk with simple pleasures,..earthy, salt-of-the-earth types,.strong, home counties values and beliefs, know,..morons.
kmcs - 26 Jul 2006 11:37
At the risk of being pilloried for holding an opinion, I have to strongly disagree with what has been written immediately below. It is simply wrong on, and on so many levels. You can probably see that for yourself though.

What you have here is a chain bar without attitude, a joyless scene that sums up exactly what is wrong with such places.

Seeing the worker bees of the business world, with their fist-sized tie knots, diagnonal checked shirts, gelled hair and Next Suits drunkenly dancing with pissed up essex girls before jumping back on the train to nowheresville may, however, be your idea of fun. If so, be my guest.

In all seriousness, you are actually better off in Wetherspoons. And that really is a concession.
anonymous - 28 Jun 2006 18:44
Although it is quite expensive in here -it has to be appreciated for its pure cheese factor. I love the 80s/90's music and the fact that there are so many weird and wonderful characters in here all very drunk and uncaring of what state they might be in (unlike the annoying Shoreditch lot down the road) This is the kind of place where you'll see fully grown men trying to do the running man, the girls attempting to footloose and everyone getting whiplash to bohemian rhapsody - In this vain and miserable world that can only be a good thing. If you're a wetherspoony you're not going to like it. So stay away. My one complaint is that they need to get a new CD, because cheese is great but cheese that repeats is not!
Sarahd83 - 28 Jun 2006 18:18
popped in here and was greeted with a very narrow selection of drinks so opted for carlsberg , which didnt taste all that , even during the day you get assorted weirdos in here and im not including the suits , drank up and ran next door to dirty dicks , but this is my own opinon so try it for urselves
romfordir - 27 Mar 2006 17:01
Charles Darwin could have saved himself a visit to the Galapagos Islands if he was still alive today. Surely some interesting lessons in evolution (or lack there of) to be found in this estabhlishment.
MrLash hit that big nail on head.
anonymous - 24 Jan 2006 20:05
I think a couple of these comments are a little unfair. They don't need to get personal. I've always had a pleasant evening after work in the P&P, and have found that if bouncers anywhere are "rude", it's because they generally have good cause to be.
weekendboozer - 3 Jan 2006 12:40
This chap Baldo is clearly a moron/works for the shit chain that is P&P (see his other comments). Still the City's worst pub bar none.
MrLash - 3 Jan 2006 09:56
Avoid in my books, overpriced, bouncers are really rude!
anonymous - 3 Jan 2006 08:52
sadly,as anywhere,you cant choose the clientele,but this is a good bar offering food,drink,and people up for a laugh.excellent staff.
baldo - 19 Dec 2005 15:21
great british beer isnt on offer,but a good piss up is provided.if your on the pull,and are up for a dance,then its right up your street.
anonymous - 19 Dec 2005 15:19
People queue to get in here. Can you believe that?
Albert_Campion - 12 Dec 2005 14:38
A vacuous and characterless place for vacuous and characterless people.

Avoid - unless you fit the above description, which many unfortunately seem to do. Still, at least they all congregate in one place and out of the way.
cardamom - 29 Nov 2005 18:12
All though i agree with the suits and the slags i have always had a great time. The staff are fantastic
andysinengland - 20 May 2005 02:31
didnt have very high expectations (and i wasnt disappointed) and i'll try to keep my comments civil. A great barn of a place, stuffed with loud suited types, thumping music (where is the piano?) great non-choice of drinks, i wasnt expecting real ale but even so the options are minimal. If this is British culture - ie boring & bland you can understand why so many of us bugger off to the continent for a slice of real life.
anonymous - 22 Apr 2005 12:40
Full of Essex slags as far as I could tell. No proper beer either... The men all have "trendy", spiky hair.

Try Dirty Dicks next door, unless you feel like getting your dick dirty.
Spel_Unca - 22 Dec 2004 16:09
I felt strangely compelled to visit this drinking venue ( well you wouldnt call it a "pub" would you ?)to see if it was indeed as bad as all the previous comments made it out to be.
The answer is, it isn't, it's even worse !!
Full of silly tasteless half - bladdered Essex Boys and Girls who have more money than brains or sense.
John - 17 Nov 2004 14:36
Crap. Full of back office types trying to rencder themselves insensible on Stella. Rubbish overpriced food, typically rubbish P&P wine list, no decent beers... handy for getting the train back to Essex I guess. I fail to see how anyone could think this was worth going to..
Mr Lash - 29 Oct 2004 16:03
Oh great, the City's shittest pub re-opens tomorrow :-(. No wonder they were promoting it with black balloons. I had hoped it would be closed for good; converted back into a bank would have been a nice touch.
Darren in the City - 31 Mar 2004 14:45
Re: Closed

Rejoice,rejoice. And thrice rejoice!!
Darren in the City - 2 Feb 2004 08:29
Closed for refurbishment, until April apparently. It will take at least that long to turn this place into a decent pub.
Millay - 1 Feb 2004 13:08
Its not quite as bad as the other people on here have made out but its certainly nothing to rtave about.
Dave by Liverpool Street - 19 Dec 2003 14:29
bit of a tardis, it's big inside (see the tiny picture at the top?) with a really big downstairs. Doubles are standard so you're looking at an expensive evening.
amberene - [email protected] - 29 May 2003 16:56
Absolutely fantastic pub for sightseeing. :)
mike - 7 Jan 2003 19:07
The usual for P&P - huge glasses of wine, expensive food and lots of men in suits! Hence try and find a suit to buy you food and wine and you'll have a great time!!!
Tx - 3 Dec 2002 16:54

got anything to say about this pub?

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