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The Quadrant, Bristol - pub details

Address: 2 Princess Victoria Street, Bristol, Bristol, BS8 4BP [map] [gmap]

Tel: 0871 951 1000 (ref 23834) - calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras

Nearest train stations Clifton Down (0.8 miles), Redland (1.4 miles), Sea Mills (1.6 miles)

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> Current user rating: 5.6/10 (rated by 8 users)
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user reviews of the Quadrant, Bristol

please note - reviews on this site are purely the opinion of site visitors, so don't take them too seriously.

5 most recent reviews of 8 shown - see all reviews

butcombe bitter/gold on cask,the gold(�3.50!)was very good indeed sadly the clifton clientele doesnt enhance the atmosphere and in general this is still a wine bar that has two beers 5/10(mainly due to prices)
fat_beer_badger - 9 Apr 2011 17:12
well it is CLIFTON prices will50JJ
beatles38 - 14 Mar 2011 23:38
Pleasant enough staff and surroundings but beer far too cold, bit on the pricey side, �3.50 for a pint of Butcombe or Ashton Press and �1.80 for a packet of crisps. No that's not a typo it really is �1.80 for a normal size packet of crisps!
will50jj - 14 Mar 2011 20:46
OK, I think we're all agreed it's a wine bar now! But at least it's a wine bar that does proper pints, which is more than can be said for a lot of them. All in all, it's not a bad place. A smallish ground level bar with a few stools by the window to watch world go by, Ashton Press on draft and a small menu of food such as pizza's and sausage and mash (not surprising as it's owned by the same people that have the Clifton Sausage round the corner).
Blackthorn - 22 Apr 2009 15:15
yes smallish corner bar with basement ,beers , suprise suprise , butcombe , butombe gold , lagers included the not often seen tuborg , pleasant staff pleasant place , food available , that was reasonably priced .
beatles38 - 4 Jan 2009 11:24

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