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BITE user profile - Pillar

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Username: Pillar

Age: 56

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Pillar

The Blackbirds, Flitwick

Well been a while since my last comments on this site. Yes a new dawn with a new Manager and at face value full of great ideas and enthusiasm. The bar services seems to improving and the staff no longer seem to play hide and seek in the kitchen away from customers.

One tip for the Paul the new manager - we need to have Annabella time back in the Pub the smile and service is surley missed!

25 Sep 2009 16:09

The Blackbirds, Flitwick

It was great this Christmas Eve afternoon to actually be allowed to drink in the pub you use all year. Well done to new landlady Jo for the refreshing changes. Also the food this year was so much more enhanced than last year - Well done to Jo B and Ash. Keep up the good work everyone and remember the Blackbirds is for life, not just for Christmas! Happy New Year to all the staff.

27 Dec 2007 10:46

The Blackbirds, Flitwick

I think the new landlady has brought many new qualities to this pub. Finally after many years a friendly smile :-) to all who drink in this village pub. The customers know they can come here and have some friendly fun and good banter. The pub is clean and tidy and the barstaff are more than pleasant (especially annabella. In summary a great pub with nice people to drink with............

13 Jul 2007 09:34

See all comments by Pillar

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Pillar has been registered on this site since 13th July 2007