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BITE user profile - Sjackshep

Profile information

Username: Sjackshep

Age: 55

Sex: ?

Latest comments by Sjackshep

Three Tuns, Penryn

just read the reviews o.k so it has gone down hill abit, but not drinking in there for a while new ownership is now in there and i think the only way is up. The beer is better and the atmosphere is alot better,the new owners are more welcoming and it looks alot more cleaner i hope they do well and bring it back to how it used to be.REMEMBER if you know the past of this pub it was once one of the most
popular drinking pubs in Penryn, be like me give it another chance hopefully it's on the change.

23 Nov 2007 08:18

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Sjackshep has been registered on this site since 23rd November 2007