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BITE user profile - VELSMITH

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Username: VELSMITH

Age: 46

Sex: ?

Latest comments by VELSMITH

The Kingston Mill, Kingston Upon Thames

Visited the scream Saturday the 22/Aug/09. mid-early afternoon
Found it deserted apart from maybe 2 or 3 others.
Ordered a pint for my mate,
then ordered a vodka and orange, to find they had no Vodka of any brand at all.
So I ordered an orange juice, No orange juice either just an empty carton they had been keeping cold in the fridge.
I asked for a coffee insted, the bar man boy then explained the coffee machine was out of order.
Then out of the blue he brought me a beer, I looked at him and he then said that I hadn't ordered one it must of been for him.
It was fairly clear to me that this guy was drunk and it was n't 2:30 yet.
By this time I needed a drink so I said I'd have a jack daniels as I could see they still had some of that.
He then went over and asked his manager or maybe his friend, how to check a �50 note which took about 6 minutes. I tried to make light of the event excuse him, it being a student pub I said he probably didn't get may �50 notes. He said he had had 2 yesterday which made me wonder why he still hadn't learn't how to check them.
I'd eaten there the previous week the food was ok, the menu limited to mostly burgers and chips, the chef was sorry at not having any strawberries for his salad. I was forgiving a I didn't particularly want strawberries in a salad in a place that 95% of the menu is junk food from frozen.
That said the salad was ok. There might be a worse pub in Kingston but I'm yet to visit it. Over 13 years or so I've been going there this is a new low for this place.
The Service / Management is dire, quite who employed these people needs thier head checked. At the very least they need constant supervision buy an adult.
My advice to you is don't drink the beer out the taps just buy bottles if you have to visit this place.
In a recession you'd think a morron could make money in a budget/student pub, evidently its not the case.
Certainly the other budget pub weatherspoons is heaving, despite the mill having twice the gadgets and games its empty for all but 10 hours a week.

29 Aug 2009 11:53


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VELSMITH has been registered on this site since 29th August 2009